Gratitude for Another Wonderful Year at Surovek Gallery

 This is the time of year when many of us look back at what the year has brought and look forward to things to come.


The holiday season began for us at Art Miami in early December, an exciting event that we always feel privileged to be a part of. 


This year we have added some wonderful new works to the gallery, like After the Rainstorm by Frederic Edwin Church and Pond Lilies by Abbott Fuller Graves, two wonderful American masters.



We’re grateful to be able to bring such wonderful works to Surovek Gallery, and what we are also grateful for are the artists like Luis Montoya & Leslie Ortiz, Scott Kelley, Stephen Scott Young and John Whalley who are represented by our gallery and have been generous with their time and talent. 


It is a pleasure to walk into the gallery and be surrounded by artworks that span more than 100 years. 


Techniques and mediums have changed some over the decades, art movements have come and gone, but fine artists continue to produce fine work that lets us see the world through their eyes and offer comfort and joy to those who appreciate their works.


Our gratitude extends to family, friends, community and art lovers who have been so encouraging and supportive over the years.


We wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year.

December 28, 2023
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