Insights V Art Exhibit at Surovek Gallery

Insights V Art Exhibit

The Fifth Annual Insights V Art Exhibit is currently on display at Surovek Gallery. The exhibit is composed of a selection of works by artists with Bipolar Disorder. The show is sponsored by The Ryan Licht Sang Bipolar Foundation. The Foundation was founded by the parents of Ryan Licht Sang, a bright and talented writer and artist. Ryan struggled with Bipolar Disorder from early childhood. After a manic episode, during which he got no sleep, he self-medicated and died in his sleep at age 24.


The Ryan Licht Sang Bipolar Foundation “is dedicated to fostering awareness, understanding and research for early-onset Bipolar Disorder. The Foundation is on a Quest For The Test™ to find an empirical, biomarker test for Bipolar Disorder so that early detection and intervention become a reality.” The purpose of the exhibit is to raise awareness about Bipolar Disorder and the work of the Foundation.


Artists with Bipolar Disorder were asked to submit portraits of someone important to them, portraits of someone who had a great influence on them or a real or imagined place that is or was important to them. The works included in the exhibit were selected by a jury.


The 2022 Insights V Art Exhibit: An Art Exhibition of Creativity and the Bipolar Brain will be on exhibit at Surovek Gallery through April 30, 2022.

April 18, 2022
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