Andrew Thompson: Recent Acquisitions

Robert Motherwell's Drawings in Catalogue Raisonné

Andrew Thompson’s works evoke his passion for fish and wildlife and showcase his talents as an artist and craftsman. Thompson is not only a masterful painter; he is also a woodworker, traditional bookbinder and designer. He divides his time between his home and studio in Brooklyn and his world of inspiration in the Adirondacks.


Our recent acquisitions are Andrew Thompson's  paintings on panels and paintings on hand-carved paddles. 



 After more than ten years of research, a catalogue raisonné of the drawings of Robert Motherwell was published by Yale University Press in November 2022, a companion to the 2012 catalogue raisonné of Motherwell’s paintings and collages.


A show of Motherwell’s drawings was recently on exhibit at the Menil Drawing Institute. Motherwell’s drawings reflect the influence of Chilean painter Roberto Matta, who introduced Motherwell to "automatic" drawing or automatism, a technique in which the artist taps into their subconscious mind, letting their hand freely draw or paint without thinking about or planning what they will create.


For a thoughtful artist like Motherwell, who received a PhD in philosophy from Harvard, this technique seemed to unleash his creativity. He set up the Dedalus Foundation in 1981 to foster public understanding of modern art and modernism through its support of research, education, publications,and exhibitions. He taught at Hunter College and Black Mountain College and his works and philosophy made him one of the most articulate proponents of abstract art.




Katy Rogers. Robert Motherwell: The Drawings of a Painter. The Brooklyn Rail. February 2023.
Rosa Boshier Gonzбlez. A Line’s Wisdom: Pleasure and Preparation in Robert Motherwell’s “As Fast as the Mind Itself”. Glasstire (Texas Visual Art). March 7, 2023.

June 15, 2023
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