Alex Katz Sculptures and Prints at Surovek Gallery

At age 90, Alex Katz still jogs, works out, and draws or paints every day, even when he has to climb a ladder to reach the top of one of his massive canvasses. Katz still works in the SoHo studio where he lives with Ada, wife and muse of sixty years.



Still a Chance to See Alex Katz at the Boca Museum

Though best known for his large-scale paintings, Katz has always created small preliminary sketches and drawings, many of which show off his brilliant brush work. There is still time to see Alex Katz: Small Paintings at the Boca Raton Museum of Art. The exhibit includes both large and small works, many done early in Katz’s career. The show will run through April 8.


Alex Katz Screenprints at Surovek Gallery

The beauty of Alex Katz’s prints are the subtlety he manages to achieve with his colors. His completed works appear spare, simple, but when viewed closely, the brilliant, layered brushwork becomes apparent.


Sunset, Lake Wesserumett ll, available at Surovek, is one of the finest examples of Katz’s talent as a printmaker. A version of Lake Wesserumett is part of the permanent collection of the Whitney Museum in New York.


Katz has been doing more, and larger, landscapes in recent years, but his main focus has always been on women and fashion, especially women in the little black dress.

Katz makes both field and subject appear as basic as a little black dress. Yvonne is a 31 color silkscreen, filled with subtle details.


Alex Katz Sculptures

Katz currently has an exhibit of large sculptures at the Paul Kasmin Gallery in New York. At Surovek Gallery, we have fine examples of Katz’s sculptures from his Little Black Dress series.

Using his favorite models, Katz has created limited edition sculptures that reflect his fascination with fashion. Katz has even created clothing designs in collaboration with Swedish fashion e-tailer H&M.


Alex Katz Sculptures and Prints at Surovek Gallery

Alex Katz is one of America’s most preeminent artists, and has been awarded more than 200 solo shows, including exhibits at The Met, Centre Pompidou, the Serpentine Gallery, the Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao and the Tate Modern.


Please contact us for more information about the works of Alex Katz available at Surovek Gallery

March 29, 2018
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