Alex Katz's Works in Shanghai, East Hampton and Surovek Gallery

The Guggenheim Museum in New York is planning for a retrospective of the works of Alex Katz in 2022. The Guggenheim closed its doors, at the start of the pandemic and, like museums and galleries around the world, it is preparing to reopen safely. The Guggenheim in Venice and in Spain have both reopened.


The Met, which closed on March 13th, has projected at least a $100 million loss in revenue because of the pandemic and has laid off 81 staff members. (Before COVID-19, The Met had previously closed for two days on only two occasions: after 9/11 and Hurricane Sandy.) The Met is planning to reopen on August 29th with new social distancing guidelines in place.


Guggenheim Museum Director, Richard Armstrong, said that the museum will see how the August 29th proposed Met reopening works and hopes the Guggenheim opening will follow soon after.


Alex Katz: Shanghai Exhibit

As things return to normal in China, a solo exhibit of the works of Alex Katz is on display at the Fosun Foundation in Shanghai, an elegant venue that hosts international art exhibits and events, in the financial district along the waterfront. The Fosun Foundation in Shanghai, hosting a solo exhibit of the works of Alex Katz.


The exhibition includes paintings and sculptures and a 1993 video of Katz working in the New York studio, where he has lived, with his wife Ada, since 1968. The exhibit at the Fosun Foundation will run through August 9, 2020.



Alex Katz: Three Portraits at the Alone Gallery

Back in the U.S., East Hampton gallery owner Tripoli Patterson has opened a gallery in a warehouse where visitors practice extreme social distancing. His first exhibit is an installation of portraits by Alex Katz.


Called the Alone Gallery, Patterson allows only one visitor at a time to enter the gallery. Hand disinfectant and masks are available outside of the gallery. There are no staff members in the gallery, but there are cameras and QR codes on the gallery walls for viewers who have questions.


Patterson monitors the gallery and interacts with visitors by text as they view the exhibit. Alex Katz: Three Portraits is scheduled to be display throughout the summer.


The Works of Alex Katz at Surovek Gallery

At 92, Alex Katz still follows his routine of working out, then painting in his SoHo studio seven days a week. His portraits, landscapes and sculptures, done in simple, bold colors are the signature of an artist who found his own style and was not influenced by the trends that came and went during his long career.


Please contact us if you would like more information about the works of Alex Katz available at Surovek Gallery.



Nancy Kenny. Putting our heads together: the three Guggenheim directors size up post-Covid challenges. The Art Newspaper. May 30, 2020.
Wang Jie. Cutout installation highlight of Alex Katz solo. Shine/Art & Culture. June 20, 2020.
Adam Robb. At Alone Gallery, There's Not a Soul in Sight (But You're Still Being Watched). Observer. June 19, 2020.

June 25, 2020
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